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A uniquely enjoyable time of fellowship specially created for young adults where real issues are unapologetically addressed with no pretence or bias and practical solutions provided from the wisdom of God’s word. Attendees include college and university students as well as recent graduates.


A chapter of Proverbs is discussed every meeting from which life's questions are tackled. The environment is designed to promote dialogue between your experience and Gods position so all questions are welcomed, particularly the ones you are unable to ask during other church services. One of the strong benefits of this fellowship is the interaction between current students and graduates, the former benefiting from the experience of graduates who did similar courses, providing advice on study techniques, transitioning to postgraduate working life, shopping quirks, money-saving strategies etc. New friendships are created and many describe a sense of family and a support structure that definitely helps ease the difficulty of living and studying away from home.


Due to the COVID 19 pandemic meetings are currently taking place online/virtually until further notice


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